“People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe”― Simon Sinek.
It's important that we align with our clients on the Why - Why do you do what you do? Why do we do what we do? Does it match - is it a fit? This is a critical difference when working with our firm. There may be times when it's not a good fit - And we'll say so. If it is, we work to develop deep relationships that last longer than one engagement.
We believe that hiring someone from the outside should provide you with fresh perspectives, fresh ideas and objective points of view. Too often, consultants work to align themselves with a particular principal, or objective, and are often not willing to broach a difficult topic, or behavior. We believe that helping people means being honest, straightforward and willing to speak truth to power. This is true when we mentor executives, work with boards, or Investors, or perform our daily work in general.